after leaving ch24 of 'two roses' with a cliffhanger, of course i knew that i had to get started with the next chapter as soon as i could. leaving chaps at cliffies is evil, and trust me, i've been accused many times for doing such an act. but really, that just me, and where's the suspense without them?
anyways, i have started with ch25, but just barely--and i mean only one paragraph. my muses and my brain seem to have taken a break since i can't think much of writing now. maybe it's a writing hangover? is there even such a thing? i've posted 4 different things this past weekend, so yes, my muses have been working hard, especially for the valentine's fic. lousy excuse i know, but i just can't seem to write. i really should push things for ch25. it'll show what happened that night, over eight years ago. of course i'm thinking about making ron look like an arse yet again.
anyways, completely random muse thought... a plot kind of similar to 'child of new beginnings' but with lucius instead of severus. how does that sound? new idea for me amongst all the other ideas that i have for lmhg. it does sound a bit interesting, and challenging for me. i'll have to think about it some more, and maybe type up a chapter or 2 and see where things can go.
(no cliffies here...)
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